Thursday, April 30, 2009

Darin and his dog, expert squirrel chaser, and drug finder Anja. Also, the second love of Sophie's life. For Anja's latest.
I planted the bushes and mulched the bed, and provided a home for a large colony of ants. Much to Ava's extreme terror, she had a bad experience with ants last summer and it has carried over this year to all bugs.

A rare photo of them both looking at me--smiling together is still a chance occurence.

Ahh. Easter. A little girl's favorite day!

I am sorry, but she has the best smile!

It is a sad day when, my cousin who has been across the Atlantic Ocean TWICE this month has posted more than I have, who by the way STAYS AT HOME!!!

But to my small credit, I have been re-landscaping areas of our yard. and Darin has been a computer hog! Something about him having to do school work-- who knows;).

Anyhow- many apologies.

Also, please keep in mind one of Darin co-workers 2 or 3 yr old little girl (Harley Ray) has been diagnosed with Stage 2 leukemima (spelling?. As the mother of a 3 yr and an almost 2 year old-- I couldn't imagine what they are going through!

Love to all!
