Friday, March 27, 2009

Psalm of Praise

This story began 3 years and 4 months ago, on Darin's first night back at work after we had Ava, our oldest daughter, he was involved in an almost head on collision by someone failing to yield to his oncoming car (patrol car no less!). By the grace of our Wonderful God, no majorly serious damage was done (minus 13 broken teeth, bruises, and a concussions). Ironically enough the more severe damage was to our bank account. Darin was out for 6 weeks and was on light duty pay (which is a pittance) so needless to say the bank account took a head on hit too. But yesterday after 9 hours of direct mediation and almost 4 years of wondering if claiming an insurance settlement even worth it (we still think yes and no) God came through for us to the effect that we will now be able to have better buffer between us and these crazy financial economic times. God's grace and mercy has given us almost exactly to the penny the amount needed for Darin's remaining school loans and the last of some smaller credit card loans. There is a saying at our church and probably at many others that goes "God is good-- All the time", and it can almost be something you say without thought, but yesterday for my family He pointed out that He really is good in His unique way ALL the time of His time table.
All I can say is Thank you Lord.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Blank Page

So this morning when I was cleaning the house, I had tons of thoughts I wanted to make note of and now Poof! They are gone! Happy news though, my house is clean- for now. Tonight will be another story.

My mission for this afternoon is laundry and cleaning out my pantry of food that is either expired or never going to be eaten by us. My ultimate goal is to decide on a paint color (to match my kitchen or not to match?) and install the super cool shelving from elfa- (I almost even like the super bright yellow wall color!)

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Super big suspension bridge that I thought we would never reach-- this is the one that Sophie ran across like it was no big deal! This picture should be underneath the following picture.

Going Hiking at Elachee, to see the big old bridge from above. YIPPEE!

Sophie going out to feed the dogs-- as a bundeled up Princess.

Ava doing what she does best--nothing (also as a Princess)!

Sophie cleaning up a storm!

Snow day in Gainesville! As Princesses, of course, it is a common theme at my house!

this is your brain on...taxes!

MY brain is fried, I have just spent the past 2 hours combing through bank statements in the futile attempt to pull together as much info as possible for taxes. BLAH BLAH BLAH! It can make you depressed to look at the ridiculous amounts of money that was unneccessarily spent throughout an entire year! Do you know how much clothes and shoes (ahem --jewelry!! Dear Darin love of my life!)- we could buy if we did not eat out so much! Even though Ava's greatest thrills in life are eating out in a restaurant (namely Taco Bell and Chick-fil-A. hmm.. the things i forgo for the love of my child. Don't the words eat out sound like pig out? gross feeding troughs..
I am ending this conversation now because apparently my angst has spilt over into disgust at food buffets!

So long -- I leave you with the image of my sweet babies, eating food from a restaurant!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I love springtime. Okay so I love all the changes of seasons, but spring might be my second favorite after fall - which is my hands down winner- becuase how can you not love fall festivals!!
So Darin, the girls, and I spent the past gorgeous weekend ripping out the last of the 1970's shrubbery around our house and building new flower boxes. Now we get to do Ava's favorite part picking out flowers! I am having to work on changing Ava's philosophy that all flowers do not need to be picked!

The saga of my continuing education is continuing... Darin meanwhile starts his second term next week... and Hall County laid off 100 teachers!

I am going on a springtime beauty shopping trip! lip gloss, nail polish...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

the agony of waiting

So last week I submitted my application to Brenau University to continue my Master's degree.It is quite difficult waiting to be accepted. Maybe that is why I never got into the whole greek life at school-- I hate the waiting period of finding if I have been accepted. Meanwhile, Darin is rocking and rolling through his Master's at Liberty. grrrrrr