Friday, July 9, 2010

Uncovering Family Secrets

So for the past year or so, my mom, aunt, and cousin Melinda have been going through my grandparents extensive history of family, military and religious pursuits. It has been quite informative and I don't want to brag but my family was quite the go getter in the heyday of America being formed! GO TEAM!! but today as a native North Ga mtn girl, I am THRILLED to discover that my great grandfather's family were the original landowners that sold the site of Amicalola State Park to the state of GA! How cool is that!! I don't even know if I spelled that right! But Still!!!! Wahoo!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last Blog of the YEAR!

The year 2009 is nearly over and let me just say that the ending has been completely unscripted, the new year began with a lot of hope and promise, but sort of the same old, same old. The biggest juxtaposition was having a police officer husband studying to be pastor/ teacher it led to many a personality conflict, but God cleaned that up for us this year by allowing Darin the opportunity to go work for someone he holds in high respect and considers one of his closest friends, our pastor. AS you know from my earlier blog, Darin couldn't be happier. However this time next year Darin (HOPEFULLY) graduates withs his master's and who knows where and what we will be. As for me, my master's is on hold indefinitely. Brenau decided to exnay my degree from UGA and diregard Piedmonts prior grad work in M.Ed, so i have decided to exnay Brenau. Plus it is cheaper for a school to hire a non-Mastered teacher, and since it is looking highly likely I have to go back to work next school year, I need all the help I can get. I am sort of looking forward to it, even though I loved being a stay at home mom, my Ava LOVES pre-eschool and Sophie can't wait to get there too! So keep us in your prayers this year as we embark on a completely new path of life.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Okay, so I know that I have been slack, but I figured a whole month of silence was a little much. This has been a sumemr to remember for sure. Darin has resigned from the police department, but has become a part-time (with hopes of full- time) pastor's assistant/assistant pastor at our church, Chicopee. It came about rather suddenly, but yet Darin is extremely happy, excited, and the most stress free he has been in a long time. Plus- he is putting all his undergrad and graduate school knowledge to work. Money well spent. Meanwhile I am now teaching preschool. It has been quite the change and upheaval of schedule and lives at our house, but we are adjusting well, I think. God has blessed us and I think we are getting to grow together stronger as a family now.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Lessons from Macy's

The girls spent last night at their grandparents house (Darin and I did not have any more advance notice-- I could have been fondly reminiscing about a date night last night- but no dice!) instead Darin watched Lethal Weapon movies while I slept on the couch! Sad for me because Mel Gibson is hot in those movies. But anyhow- back to my reason for blogging - I am not in my usual routine this morning, sans kids, so I am bumbling around the Internet and decided to shop for china at Macy's'! (as if I have the money, as if I entertain, as if I can put it anywhere, much less display it!-- but hey don't kill my dream!)
SO- digression aside while shopping I found this Did you know??--- Josiah Wedgwood (yes, that Wedgwood!!) was Charles Darwin grandfather!! Hmmm-- cool and interesting -- I don't agree with Darwinism-- but I like his granddaddy's china!!
I probably should get out more, but oh well!
Love to all,

Thursday, June 11, 2009

At Last!

This has been a hectic week for my girls. We have been doing Vacation Bible School at our church. Ava is in my section with the pre-schoolers, and it has been interesting to see her interact she seems so "big" girl like in some instances and then you can tell how young she still is by the end of the night and she just gives out! My sweet, sweet baby! Sophie on the other hand could probably go all night - except she is the pits when she does get tired!
News from the Master's front it looks like I will be having to take the MAT!!!! AGAIN!!!grrrr- There is a whole soapbox behind that story but I shall not unleash it, needless to say I shall be found studying analogies for the next few weeks!! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Road Trip

Well now I am embarassed, I just noticed my last blog and the huge spellcheck I missed-- My husband's name!! Egads!! Sorry babe!
Anyhow-- Just spent the weekend in Detroit (formerly known as Motor City) MI, for the wedding of Darin's cousin. It was beautiful and my children are apparently born to travel on road trips!! YESSS!! They were outstanding and I am so happy because 13.5 hours with cranky babies would have been difficult to say the least!
Anyhow that was my summer vacation, unless I can squeeze a road trip to Darin's other Aunt and Uncle in Beaufort SC, mi ciudad favorita en el mundo!
Ciao for now!
I would post pics but my new camera is a pain in the techno rear!! and I have dishes to wash!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Dain, Pantry, Macy's

How about that for an eclectic title!!

So Darin is out of town/state this week for an Intensives course for his Master's Degree. He is up at Liberty University, which he delighted in telling me was in a beautiful area of mountains in Virginia. I hope he gets to enjoy some of it when he is not in his 8 hour class days!
Sophia, however, decided that 10 minutes after he left was too long and has now set forth on calling for him every hour. Ava, apparently, is more accustomed except for that it is usually his cop car that is gone for the duration and this time it is his truck, I think it is confusing her.
I have big plans for this week-- I am cleaning out my pantry- there is way too much food in there that is going to waste because we are not and will not ever going to eat it. Darin would just as well throw out vegetables, but alas I say to him as I say to Ava "tough cookies".
Well there it is , my big plan -- yes I know that there is only one item on the list-but it is a pantry-- it is for my own desire for organization that I even want to do this- it is not because it is fun. Fun would be going to Macy's, not my pantry. (I should note that I will be going to Macy's as my reward IF I get this accomplished this week!) I will post my reward IF - I mean when I get it -- so feel free to hound me!!